GFXToolz v6.0

Refund Policy

Refund / Cancellation Policy

Affordable Solutions for Creative Professionals

At GFXToolz, we strive to make high-quality tools accessible and affordable for budding Graphics Designers, Marketers, Video/Photo Editors, Developers, and other creative professionals. Our commitment is to offer excellent services and reliable uptime, all within a budget that suits your needs.

Supporting Official Purchases

While we provide cost-effective alternatives, we encourage those who have the means to support the creators by purchasing the tools officially.

Money-Back Guarantee

We understand the importance of reliable tools for your creative work. Therefore, we offer a money-back guarantee under specific conditions:

  • The guarantee is applicable if our tools experience a functional downtime exceeding 3 days. This is a rare occurrence, and we work diligently to avoid such situations.

Exclusions from Refund Policy

  • Please note that refunds are not applicable if only 2-3 tools (out of our extensive suite of 50+ tools) are temporarily non-functional at any given time.

  • User changed thier mind and doesn’t want to continue – No refunds are allowed in this case.

Need Assistance or Wish to Claim a Refund?

  • For any inquiries or to initiate a refund claim, please reach out to our Chat Support. Our dedicated team is here to assist you with all your questions and ensure a smooth resolution to your concerns.

Activity Logs

There are 2 new tasks for you in “AirPlus Mobile App” project:
Added at 4:23 PM by
Meeting with customer
Application Design
In Progress
Project Delivery Preparation
CRM System Development
Invitation for crafting engaging designs that speak human workshop
Sent at 4:23 PM by
Task #45890 merged with #45890 in “Ads Pro Admin Dashboard project:
Initiated at 4:23 PM by
3 new application design concepts added:
Created at 4:23 PM by
New case #67890 is assigned to you in Multi-platform Database Design project
Added at 4:23 PM by
Alice Tan
You have received a new order:
Placed at 5:05 AM by

Database Backup Process Completed!

Login into Admin Dashboard to make sure the data integrity is OK
New order #67890 is placed for Workshow Planning & Budget Estimation
Placed at 4:23 PM by
Jimmy Bold
GFXToolz Bot 2 mins
Hey There, Welcome to GFXToolz v6.0! How can we help?

Shopping Cart

Iblender The best kitchen gadget in 2022
$ 350 for 5
SmartCleaner Smart tool for cooking
$ 650 for 4
CameraMaxr Professional camera for edge
$ 150 for 3
$D Printer Manfactoring unique objekts
$ 1450 for 7
MotionWire Perfect animation tool
$ 650 for 7
Samsung Profile info,Timeline etc
$ 720 for 6
$D Printer Manfactoring unique objekts
$ 430 for 8